1. Christmas Stocking £23 from Love The Sign // 2. Hurry Down The Chimney Tonight Acrylic House Decoration £2.50 from Paperchase // 3. Two Gran Washed Linen Napkins £15 from Love The Sign // 4. Nativity Scene £9.99 from Tigerlilly Quinn // 5. Fairtrade Hand Painted Bauble £5.95 from Potch
I'm sorry, I know it's early to start throwing the C word around. Now that autumn has well and truly arrived, I've been trying to get organised for Christmas. I've already bought most of Ebony's presents this year, a couple of new things and then a selection I've picked up from the charity shops over the last few months. Yesterday I went to London and managed to fit in a trip to Tiger (hoorah) and have now got all the stocking fillers sorted. I also popped into Gap and bought Ebony's Christmas dress for the year (they only had it in age 3 so let's hope she doesn't shoot up anytime soon).
I'm already looking forward to going on our annual trip buying mission, dragging the (husband off the sofa to fetch the) Christmas decorations out of the loft and making mince pies. I know it's still months away, but time is flying past at the moment so I've decided it's best to be prepared just in case I wake up tomorrow and discover it's December,
With that in mind, as the Christmas emails started pouring into my inbox, I've been keeping an eye out for festive inspiration, I thought I'd share some of my favourites with you. I really love the monochrome stocking, and the adorable cardboard nativity scene.