This is my most recent Living Arrows photo (hooray, finally up to date). Our friends gave Ebony this bear the other week, Mr Teddy Bear to give him his full title, and he has been pretty much everywhere with us since. He's been on every piece of equipment at the park, watched the Lion King at the cinema, and visited friends. This photograph is of him doing the rounds at Blackpool Illuminations.

Ebony: Is there a fly in my hair?
Me: No, there was yesterday but we got him out, didn't we?
Ebony: I want my fly back.
Me: ...
Ebony: That fly was my best friend.
A couple of days after the above conversation, we were taking photographs at our local park when an insect landed on Ebony's head. Not one to repeat mistakes, she immediately asked me to photograph her and her best friend, "Cheeeeese! Cheese, CHEESE!"

My fearless toddler.
During one of our afternoon strolls, we discovered a tree swing in the woods at the top of our street. Two and a half hours later, we returned home, muddy and exhausted after a fun afternoon. A few days later, Ebony wanted to go back to the woods. Dressed as The Gruffalo, of course. We were pleased to discover the swing was still there, and lost another hour to it as Ebony hurled through the air, stopping only to demand 'higher'.

I took Ebony on the Climate March in Manchester. I really wanted to go down to London, but I had too much work on so we had to settle for the smaller rally up here instead.
Our first go at baking in the new kitchen. Baking. With a toddler. In my new kitchen. What was I thinking?!